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The Red Zone

What is The Red Zone?

The Red Zone is the time period between move-in and Thanksgiving break when college students across the country are statistically most susceptible to sexual assault. More than 50 percent of college sexual assaults occur in August, September, October and November. Freshmen, especially females, are particularly vulnerable during this time as they navigate an unfamiliar campus, parties and the college social scene for the first time.

How does alcohol affect the Red Zone?

Almost half of all sexual assaults involve alcohol use by the perpetrator and/or the victim. It is common for a person who commits sexual assault to push someone to drink to incapacitation or target a person who is already incapacitated. Someone who is incapacitated is less likely to be able to resist unwanted sexual acts. A person who is incapacitated by drugs or alcohol is incapable of giving consent. 

Even though there is a relationship between alcohol and sexual assault, sexual assault is never the fault of the survivor. Sexual violence is always the fault of the person who chooses to interact with someone’s body without consent, regardless of whether that person was using drugs or alcohol, what they were wearing or how they were dancing or otherwise behaving. 

What proactive steps can I take to reduce my own risk?

There are a number of steps you can take to protect yourself: 

Don’t leave your drink unattended, not even for a moment. 
If your drink has unusual taste or appearance (like a salty taste or an unexplained residue), throw it out. Drinks with lids or sports tops are a good choice. 

Use the buddy system. 
You and your buddy can agree that if either of you appears intoxicated, gets sick, passes out, is having trouble walking or breathing, the other buddy will make sure they get home safe. Call 911 in case of emergency. 

Plan your trip. 
Know how you are going to get to and from your destination. Are you going to designate a trustworthy and sober driver? Be sure to let others know the plan and have your LiveSafe app on. 

Avoid excessive use of drugs or alcohol. 

Research mobile apps that let you signal for help if you feel unsafe.