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Student Government Association Constitution

Preamble to Constitution 
We, the Students of Potomac State College of West Virginia University, strive to continue the traditions of the College; enhance academic standards and College facilities, encourage good citizenship among the students and to the community; aid to promoting a cordial relationship among students, faculty, staff, and administration; stimulate support of all College activities and programs; enhance each student's sense of responsibility to the College and society; support this Constitution for the enrolled students at Potomac State College of West Virginia University. We then hereby establish this Constitution for the Student Government Association of Potomac State College of West Virginia University.
Oath of Office 
I , agree to faithfully discharge the duties and obligations of my office to the best of my judgment and ability.
Article I: Name 
1. The name of this organization shall be Student Government Association of Potomac State College of West Virginia University. (Hereafter referred to as the SGA)
Article II: Colors and Seal

Section I: Colors 
1. The official colors of SGA shall be WVU Blue and WVU Gold .
WVU Gold WVU Blue
PMS 124 PMS 295
CMYK = 0% Cyan, 100%Yellow, 30%Magenta, 5%Black CMYK = 100% Cyan, 57% Magenta, 0% Yellow, 40% Black
RGB = Red: 238, Green: 177, Blue: 17 RGB = Red: 0, Green: 68, Blue: 124
Section II: Seal 
1. The official seal for Potomac State College of West Virginia University SGA shall appear as:

Article III: Membership 
1. Each registered student, who has paid a Student Activity Fee via their University Fees, shall be eligible to be a member of SGA. They shall be entitled to vote in all campus elections and for ballot measures for which they are eligible and claim all rights and privileges of an enrolled Potomac State College student.
Article IV: Purpose and Powers

Section I: Purpose 
1. The purpose of SGA shall be as follows:
1. To advocate and lobby for student concerns and issues, and to uphold the Student Bill of Rights.
2. To budget and allocate the student activity fee that is allotted to SGA.
3. To develop and coordinate services and activities for the benefit of Potomac State College students.
4. To promote student participation in SGA and Potomac State College related activities, clubs, organizations, and associations.
5. To fairly represent all Student Organizations and Clubs at Potomac State College of West Virginia University.
6. Responsible for creating and organizing at least two community service activities each year.
7. To authorize and execute legislation that affects the body of Potomac State College.
8. To keep record of all actions, transactions, and activities of the Student Government Association.
1. Unless meeting in Private of unofficially.
Section II: Powers 
1. The Student Body at Potomac State College hereby endorses and grants SGA the powers as enumerated in this Constitution.
1. Subordination: This constitution shall be subordinate to the Unites States Constitution, the Constitution of the State of West Virginia, all federal, state, and local laws, and all duly promulgated policies and regulations of Potomac State College, and of the West Virginia University Board of Governors.
2. Subordinate Proceeding: All policies, pronouncements, rulings, and enactments of the SGA shall be subordinate to this Constitution.
Section 3: Orders of Power 
1. This Constitution, under the authority of the PSC SGA, and PSC, shall serve as the Supreme law of PSC. Bylaws of the Association shall serve as the primary Authority under this Constitution. Robert's Rules of Order shall serve as the meeting authority under the Bylaws. If the question at hand is not covered by the Constitution, refer to the Bylaws. If it is not covered Bylaws, refer to Robert's Rules of Order.
Article V: Legislative Branch

Section I: Organization 
1. The House of Representatives shall consist of two voting bodies, the eight (8) elected members of the Board of Representatives, and the Student Body as a whole.
2. The Board of Representatives shall consist of eight (8) student representatives who are elected by and represent the Student Body.
1. One (1) Commuter Representatives, one (1) Residence Hall Representatives, one
(1) Non-Traditional Representative, one (1) Military Representative, one (1) Student Athletic Representative, one (1) Freshmen Representative, one (1) Upperclassmen Representative, and one (1) Diversity Representative.
3. The Board of Representatives shall nominate and elect a Speaker of the House.
Section II: Voting and Meetings 
1. Each member of the House of Representatives shall be elected by the Student Body.
2. Meetings shall be open to the entire Student Body.
1. Any registered student shall have voting rights at all Student Body meetings.
2. Speaker of the House sets the agenda for the Student Body Meetings and must make it available to other SGA members, SGA advisor, and Student Body within twenty-four (24) hours of the next scheduled meeting.
3. Student Body Meetings will be held every other week (unless otherwise noted). Meeting time for the Student Body Meeting must be established at the first Student Body Meeting following elections in the fall.
Section III: Proceedings and Presidential Veto 
1. Proceedings shall be determined by the Robert's Rules of Order which shall be used during every meeting.
2. Presidential Veto
1. The President of SGA may veto any resolution or bill the Legislature may pass.
2. Two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at the Student Body meeting that the vote is called upon may override the Presidential veto.
Section IV: Powers and Responsibilities of the Legislative Branch 
1. The powers and responsibilities shall be as listed:
1. Shall hear and vote on all grants that are approved by the Finance Committee.
2. Hear all concerns and issues the Student Body has.
3. Shall hear all formal petitions brought forth by the Student Body.
i. However no legislation is required to come out of it.
2. To pass resolutions giving the SGA President Authority to act without SGA approval on specified issues or items within an allocated time frame.
Section V: Powers of the Speaker of the House 
1. The power and responsibilities of the speaker shall be listed as follows:
1. Shall run the legislative and external meetings.
2. Shall set agenda for legislative meetings.

3. Shall enforce an attendance policy for all representatives.
4. Shall serve as the spokesperson for the Legislative Branch.
5. Shall serve as the Interim-President if the President and Vice President are ineligible to serve, until the special election is completed within timely manner.
Article VI: Executive Branch

Section I: President 
1. Duties, Offices, and Responsibilities
1. Has the authority to call Emergency Sessions of the Student Government Association.
2. Has the authority to nominate persons to Executive Board pending the approval from the House of Representatives.
3. Has the authority to remove any person from an Executive Board excluding the Vice- President for neglect of duty and/or excessive absences.
4. Has the authority to create special Executive Committees.
5. Is an ex-officio member of every Executive Committee of SGA.
6. Represents SGA generally in dealings with the College community including faculty, staff, students, administration, and alumni.
7. Prepares and submits a proposed written course of action along with a proposed budget, a legislative agenda, or other proposed items of business to SGA for their approval prior to executing, sponsoring, or undertaking the said business.
8. Has the authority to make reports, recommendations, and nominations to appoint members to Executive Board.
9. Attends all meetings of SGA and therein represent the Executive Board.
10. Serves as the SGA's Representative to Potomac State College's Board of Visitors, to the West Virginia University Board of Governors (when invited), to Potomac State College's Alumni Board, and at other state, regional and national SGA-related meetings.
11. Shall assist Vice-President to plan and implement SGA activities and events and helps set up before and clean up after activities and events.
12. Serve as the point of contact and liaison for community organization and business.
13. The president shall, at the beginning of spring semester, before the assembly, and if able members of the academic leadership, give address on the State of the Association, and recommend to their Consideration such measures as they shall judge necessary and expedient.
14. Shall appoint officers to serve on the Executive Board.
Section II: Vice President

1. Duties, Offices, and Responsibilities:
1. Shall serve as SGA President in the President's absence. Fills in for the SGA President when he/she is unable to perform his/her duties.
2. Shall complete any task the president may assign him/her within reason.
3. Works with the College's Activities Coordinator to schedule activities for the College community.
4. Vice President shall attend SGA meetings to serve as the non-debating, non- voting chair, unless his/her vote would affect the outcome.

5. Attends SGA meetings and activities.
6. May represent SGA generally in dealings with the College community including faculty, staff, students, administration, and alumni.
7. To act liaison the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch

Section III: Public Relations Officer 
1. Duties, Offices, and Responsibilities:
1. Compiles and distributes the SGA meeting minutes to the Campus President, Dean of Student Life, SGA Advisor, all duly elected and appointed members of SGA, and the Student Body.
2. Shall serve as the chairperson for the SGA Event Planning Committee.
3. Creates, manages, and maintains the SGA calendar.
4. All SGA communications, web pages, social media sites, and emails correspondences.
5. Works with the College's Activities Coordinator to schedule activities for the College Community.
6. Records minutes of all Student Body meetings.
Section IV: Treasurer 
1. Duties, Offices, and Responsibilities:
1. Monitors and reconciles the SGA Budget and expenses on a monthly basis in collaboration with Student Affairs Office Manager and provides budget updates during SGA Meetings.
2. Serves as Chairperson of the SGA Finance Committee.
3. Must attend SGA meetings and activities.
4. Communicates with student clubs, organizations, and associations that may apply for grants.
Section V: Attorney General 
1. Duties, Offices, and Responsibilities:
1. Serve as the Chairperson for the Oversight Committee.
2. Manages and oversees the petition process.
3. Keeps an attendances record for all SGA members.
4. Serves as SGA authority on Robert's Rules of Order.
5. Acts as Sergeant At Arms. May, at order of the speaker, maintain order of the assembly and if issued a Writ of Adsum, is ordered to compel the attendance of specific members.
Section VI: Chief of Staff 
1. Duties, Offices, and Responsibilities:
1. Shall serve as the President and Vice President's official assistant.
2. He/she serves as a link between the Executive and Legislative Board.
3. Encourages members to complete their assigned tasks.
4. Ensures immediate business of the SGA is dealt with in a timely manner.
Section VI: Meetings
1. Executive Board meetings shall be every week or as determined by the President.

Article VII: Elections:

Section I: General 
1. Election will be held in the fall semester.
1. Declaration of Intention for running for office by noon of Friday at the end of the first full week of school.
2. Campaigning and advertisements may begin the soon as qualifications are verified by the Office of Student Life.
3. Election will be held the third Tuesday of the start of the academic school year.
4. All elections of SGA shall be overseen by the Advisor of SGA and the Dean of Student Life.
5. All terms unless specially noted are from fall through spring semester.
Section II: Special Elections 
1. Special Elections will follow the same time frame and model of general elections.
2. They must be scheduled within two (2) weeks of vacancy of office.
3. If a position remains vacant after the general election and special election, the Legislative Board shall vote to appoint the vacancies.
Section III: Eligibility 
1. Office of President and Vice-President:
1. Candidates must be in good social and academic standing.
2. Good academic standing for President and Vice-President is defined as 2.5 or higher cumulative Grade Point Average.
3. Good social standing is defined as no major or minor criminal or student conduct violations.
4. Candidates must have completed at least twenty-four (24) credit hours.
5. Candidates must be a full time student carrying a minimum of twelve (12) credits hours at the time of them declaring to run for office.
6. Candidates must be enrolled in six (6) credit hours of classes that meet at Potomac State College of West Virginia University.
2. Student Representatives and Appointed Officers are subject to the following:
1. Candidates must be in good social standing.
2. Good social standing is defined as no major or minor criminal or student conduct violations.
3. Good academic standing for representatives of the House of Representatives and Appointed Officers shall be defined as a 2.0, or higher, cumulative Grade Point Average.
4. Incoming first semester freshman are deemed eligible to run for office. The requirements of office shall go into effect upon completion of the first semester.
5. If a representative fails to achieve a 2.0 midterm or semester GPA they shall be placed on academic probation by the Advis

6. Probation is defined as a period where a representative is subject to further evaluation. Evaluation shall be handled on a case by case basis by the advisor
7. If the Representative can show proof of good academic standing then Probation shall be removed
3. If a representative cannot show good academic standing at the end of an academic semester of probation one of the following shall come into effect:
1. The said representative will meet with the Dean of Student Life, the Advisor, and the President of SGA, to determine the appropriate course of further action. This includes continued probation and academic monitoring, honorable resignation, and if needed, impeachment.
2. The representative shall become subject to the Impeachment Process as outlined in Article IX.
3. The impeachment process shall be valid through Article IX, Section I, sub-section 3.
4. The petition brought forth shall be valid through the Constitutional Process of the SGA.
5. If impeachment fails, further academic probations may be required.
4. Candidates must be a full time student carrying a minimum of twelve (12) credits hours at the time of them declaring to run for office.
5. Candidates must be enrolled in six (6) credit hours of classes that meet at Potomac State College of West Virginia University. Verification of Eligibility.
2. The academic and social standings of said candidates will be determined by the SGA advisor and Office of Student Life.
3. All candidates will be notified of their ineligibility or eligibility by the SGA advisor.
Section IV: Order of Succession 
1. In such instances wherein the SGA President fails to meet qualifications for the office or for whatever reason the office is vacant, the SGA Vice-President shall assume the office of SGA President shall appoint a Vice-President.
2. If the offices of SGA President and Vice-President are both vacant, a special election shall be held two (2) weeks to the day of the offices being vacant for the offices of the SGA President and SGA Vice-President.
1. Speaker of the House will serve as President when there is no President and Vice- President to serve SGA until the special election is completed.
2. When an opening is presented in the Board of Representatives a special election shall be scheduled and must be held within two (2) weeks of the vacancy.
3. If an appointed member of SGA such as Public Relations, Attorney General, or Treasurer is removed or resigned then the President and Vice-President must reappointed someone to fill these positions.
Article VIII: Committees

Section I: Finance Committee

1. Finance Committee shall be in charge of allocating the funds from the student activity fee to clubs, organizations, or associations through grant applications that are submitted by these clubs, organizations, or associations.
2. Membership shall consist of the Treasurer who shall serve as Chairperson. The Chairperson shall appoint two representatives of the Legislative Branch to serve on this committee.
3. Meetings shall be every week which ends three (3) weeks before the end of the semester.
4. A member must be chosen to record the minutes of their meetings.
5. Minutes must be sent to the Public Relations Officer within three (3) business days following the meeting.
6. At the end of the year the committee must compile a report and send it to the SGA President.
7. Chairperson must have committee updates for Student Body Meetings.
Section II: Event Planning Committee 
1. Event Planning Committee shall be in charge of planning, managing, and cleaning up after the activities sponsored by SGA.
2. Membership shall consist of the Public Relations Officer who will be chairperson and who appoints members of the Legislative Branch to serve. This committee appoints students to also serve on this committee.
3. Meetings shall be determined by the committee.
4. A member must be chosen to record the minutes of their meetings.
5. Minutes must be sent to the Public Relations Officer within three (3) business days following the meeting.
6. At the end of the year, the committee must compile a report and send it to the SGA President.
7. Chairperson must have committee updates for Student Body Meetings.
Section III: Oversight Committee 
1. Membership shall consist of the Attorney General, President, Vice President, and two members of the Legislative Assembly put forth by nomination.
2. Hear Petitions
3. Meetings shall be as needed, but no less than once a semester.
4. A member must be chosen to record the minutes of their meetings.
5. Minutes must be sent to the Public Relations Officer within three (3) days.
6. At the end of the year the committee must compile a report and is sent to the SGA President.
7. Chairperson must have committee updates for Student Body Meetings.
Section IV: Special Committees 
1. Both branches of the SGA Government may call and appoint special committees and sub- committees as needed.
2. Members can be appointed by the Chairperson of the created committees or sub-committees.
3. A member must be chosen to record the minutes of their meetings.
4. Minutes must be sent to the Public Relations Officer within three (3) business days following the meeting.
5. At the end of the year the committee must compile a report and send it to the SGA President.
6. Chairperson must have committee updates for Student Body Meetings.

Article IX: Impeachment Section I: Impeachment Process 
1. If a student feels that an Elected or Appointed member of SGA is neglecting or is failing to perform duties outlined in this Constitution, they may petition the Student Government bringing forth specific grievances about said SGA member.
2. Upon receiving the grievances, the SGA Advisor will meet with the student(s) bringing forth the petition to determine soundness of grievances.
3. If impeachment charges are sound, the President of SGA will call a special Grievance Hearing to air the grievances with the student(s) bringing forth the petition.
4. All elected and appointed members must be at the Grievance Hearing.
5. Following the Grievance Hearing, an immediate impeachment vote will take place.
6. Only elected and appointed members may vote.
7. If Impeachment Vote is approved, he/she shall be immediately removed from his/her position in the Student Government.
Article X: Amendments 
1. This Constitution shall be amended by a counted vote of three-fourth's (3/4th) majority vote in favor of presented amendment(s) by all duly elected SGA members present at the meeting. Once adopted by the SGA, the presented amendment must be accepted by a majority of the students voting at a meeting open to the student body, within one month after adoption by the SGA. This section may only be amended by unanimous consent of the entire SGA.
2. Or if students bring forth a petition with the valid signatures of 15% the student body shall have successfully compelled the SGA to call forth a convention for amending the Constitution as suggested by petition. The SGA shall appoint a special committee consisting of one half petitioners, one half SGA members, and chaired by an elected SGA member who shall have no vote, to frame the amendment to be put to vote, one month after its presentation to the Legislative Assembly, in a special referendum of the student body for adoption.
Article XI: Adoption 
1. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the total active SGA members and approval of the Campus President and Dean of Student Life shall be sufficient of the establishment of this Constitution at Potomac State College.